Thursday, 28 August 2014

Toys and Presentations


Well, after the business of last week, things were much calmer this week, not least because we kicked it all off with a bank holiday. And rain.

Betsy now has spare wagons.
So by Tuesday, I was ready to go. I began by chasing up some more trains, ready as spares in case any of the trains get damaged along the way. Being dunked in liquid nitrogen isn't a usual environment after all. I also went about procuring some grass mats from a Modelling shop and deciding on other characters and decorations.

Aside from this, I began work on an instruction manual. The aim is that anyone (with common sense) can get out and use the train on Open Days (which Diamond host fairly often). Thus, it is handy to have a quick start guide.

During the afternoon, I began to use the software Origin to sort out the graphs I want to use. And during this, I found some interesting properties in some of the data I collected.

To do work, I had to tidy my desk. I had too many toys lying around.
And with the arrival of more, it got worse.

I continued this task over to Wednesday. However, it was broken up by attending some presentations by some of the other placement students. The variety of the placement projects make this a very worth while and interesting session and I come away knowing a lot more about SAX (small angle X-ray imaging) and the magnetic modelling and experiments occurring elsewhere around the beamline. I thank all three students for this.

Thursday I went about preparing my own presentation, showing a rough draft to my supervisor. If you are preparing a presentation, I recommend getting someone else to check it over with you, as things may not be as clear as you would like them to be. I went away with several suggestions. I'm doing this alongside a report and a poster so all these documents are keeping me busy as I wait for parts to start appearing.

Type soon!

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